Monday 20 December 2010

This is a selection of my photographic work; it’s got examples of my photography: landscapes, portraits, still life, macro, street photography and studio work. I hope you enjoy looking at my photographs.


This is a photograph of the dancing water fountain in Barcelona. I really like how I got the silhouettes of the people watching it. To get this effect I had to have the light coming from the background of the photograph. I had to focus more on the light in front of the people sitting watching the fountain rather than on the people. I used a narrow aperture so the photo would be underexposed. I’m pleased with how the photograph came out.


This was taken at midday in the summer; I planned this photo shoot and had to wait for the weather to be just right, because I wanted all the colours to be vibrant, bright and to stand out. I was very pleased with how it came out. I took the photograph from many different angles but I feel this one came out best. The way I was looking up towards my model really worked and I think it gives a good perspective of the model. I like the simplicity of her pose, the way she’s smiling and looking up shows happiness in a quirky way. I used the prop of a post box to give my picture a different feel from a normal photo shoot. I think the colour of the post box contrasts well against my model and the blueness of the sky. To get the right exposure I used a slow shutter speed with small aperture, I had to use a tripod so I wouldn’t get any camera shake.


I really like these photographs, I took a series of photographs that were just focusing on the face of the model, and I had the models wear lots of make up, to give a feeling of fakeness but then to show emotion through their eyes. I really think the lighting works well in both of these photographs, as it is quite strong but doesn’t completely wash them out, which I think is important. I think in both pictures the eyes of the girls really pierce into the camera portraying emotions and it leads your eyes into the photograph.

The top photograph I think is quite intrusive because the model is leaning towards the camera; she jumps out of the photograph.

The bottom photograph is my favourite out of the two because the angle of the photograph works with the facial expressions of the model, because I was slightly higher, the model looks more vulnerable.

I think these two photographs work well as an ensemble because the eye colour of the two models are completely different which shows contrast, and the way they are framed works.

Sunday 19 December 2010

Street Perfomers

The Band
Saw Musician

These two pictures are of street performers. They were taken in Barcelona and France. In the photograph of the band playing I really like the whole composition. I think the background really works for the photograph and I like the effect of the grey sky. I think the layout of this picture compliments it, as the band in is in the foreground, and then the bench they are sitting on curves backwards leading your eye onto the crowd and then to the trees and the sky in the background.

With the photograph of the man playing the saw, I would have loved the photograph to have a better background, maybe a crowd of people rather that the car, but I still really like the picture of the man playing, because I think it’s an unusual thing to see. I think his costume really helps the picture tell the story as he is wearing old fashioned clothing, and playing a saw which is what people used to play because they couldn’t afford instruments.


I took this photograph in the studio with a black back drop. I had the main lights coming from the left side of my model. I had one flash light coming from the left side of my model's face and pointing diagonally upwards. I really like the position of the lights, if I were to do it again I think I would lift the diagonal light up slightly so the shadow of her nose doesn’t cover as much of her right eye.


This photograph was taken in the snow; I really liked how this photo shoot came out. I had my model holding a lantern to create the light for the photograph, I think this photograph came out really well, as it lights half of my model's face which I think creates a good effect. I think it adds mystery to the photograph. The shadow from the lantern also highlights my model's eye which is looking straight down the lens which makes the image strong.

Friday 17 December 2010

Thai Life

Water Market Seller

 I took these pictures when I went to Thailand. The picture of the lady was taken when I was on a boat and she was part of the river market; she rowed up to my boat and was selling fans to the tourists. In this photograph I feel that I have captured the market seller well as she came across very desperate to sell the fans, I really like how she is looking into the lens of my camera as this makes the photograph more powerful.

The man in the photograph is a mahout, these are the men that ride the elephants, he was a very friendly and happy gentlemen and I feel that I have captured this in my photograph. I think the background in my photograph works well because it is in the forest and that is where the mahouts live, because they have to stay near the elephants, and I feel that it also adds texture.


My favourite thing about this photograph is the blueness of the sky, and how my model seems to be the only focus in the picture, as there is nothing else in the photograph to distract from the model as it is simple. I really think the angle of the photograph works as it give the impression of infinity, as you can't see any land, all you can see is sky, also how my model is positioned really works as she is looking upwards. How the model's body is shaped also adds well to the photograph, as the angles are sharp but the pose is still elegant. If I was to do this again I would want to have a light pointing upwards so the model would be lit up and so her costume would be brighter and more vibrant.

The Human Body

Finger Tips

 Here are two pictures from my Human Body Project; I took lots of close up photographs of the human body, ranging from people's hair to their finger prints. But these two photographs are my favourite, the first one is of somebody’s lips, I really like the texture of them and you can really see the detail in all the lines and creases.

In the picture of the fingers I used depth of field as the foreground is out of focus and the middle of the picture is in focus. I like how the creases in the fingers are much darker than the finger which I think creates a good contrast.

Having both of these photographs in black and white really helps to add to the effect and adds more depth to the pictures.

St. Pauls

 I took this from the member’s cafe at the Tate Modern. I really like this picture as it has the Thames in it and the Millennium Bridge, but the main focus is on St.Paul's. I like the moodiness of the picture and I think that the clouds make the picture, as they are really thick and dark around the outside and it gets lighter around St.Paul's, which frames the picture well.

The Sunglass Project


This is a start to a new project of mine. I plan to visit famous landmarks and take pictures of them, but with a twist, I plan to get the landmark in the reflection of someone’s sunglasses, so that you can see what the person in the picture is looking at. To develop it further I will ask my model to react to what they are seeing and I hope this will add to the picture.

The Haunted Door - Beeleigh Abbey

The Haunted Door

This door belongs to Beeleigh Abbey in Maldon. This photograph belongs to a project that I have done on doors. I went to Beeleigh Abbey because it was a very old building and I hoped the doors would have a lot of detail in them because I knew that the Abbey was very old and was a very grand building. This door in particular is one of my favourites because the texture of the wood contrasts against the texture of the bricks. I think having the door in black and white really works as it helps to portray the age of it and the story behind it. The door has also got a story behind it which I think is important and it helps to add to the picture. The door was the servants' entrance and some people say the door is haunted by the ghost of a maid.